Thursday, February 23, 2012

Servant Auction Information!

SERVANT AUCTION TO RAISE FUNDS FOR CHRIS AND EVIE JONES... funds go toward building their jungle home.


This will help you understand more about the servant auction.

Below this informational post is a list of all of the services we will be auctioning off on Monday, March 5 at 9am (in the auditorium during chapel hour... it is a LIVE auction!). There are 19 services total.

1. Each service is provided by one person or several people.
2. Each service has listed with it how many people are able to redeem the service. Some are only for 1 person, some are for 2, and some are for many. If you are interested in one that is for more than 1 person, find the people you'd like to go in on the service with before the day of the auction, and choose one person in the group to be the bidder.
3. Have a back-up plan incase you don't win the service that is your first choice! Or, just plan to spend a lot so that you do win :)
4. Typically in the past, these services mostly all go for over $50. The ones that are most popular go for over $100. Many people are surprised at their first auction and are unaware of this. We want to make you aware! If you really want to win, plan to spend more than $20 (which is what I was prepared for at my first auction... boy was I surprised!). Remember, you get a service AND the money goes toward a great cause!
5. You can pay with your student account.
6. Once you win a service, you can work out with the Servant(s) when you would like to redeem the service (unless a time is already specified).
7. You can win as many services as you would like!

Thank you to all of those who have volunteered their services!

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